Integrity is when your words and actions agree with your beliefs and when others can depend on you to act in accordance with what you say you believe. 1. Once you get started, there’s no longer any point in comparing yourself to others; just work on putting the following characteristics into practice – every day, and one at a time – until they become part of who you are. I really appreciate your contribution. A list of Traits Found Admirable. In this article, you will learn 3 personal qualities that all highly successful people share. A lovely, wise-cracking sense of humor is very admirable because it's a quality that's universally attractive. Compassion is selfless caring for another. A hard working person is more likely to be:1) Honest2) Confident3) Modest4) ResponsibleSo if one's hard-working, they are more likely to have all these four additional qualities. A typical admiration I have seen is when people boy, are admiring a very famous singer, actor etc. What I value in men and women is a good, strong mind. I can't stand those who put up a fake front, so I admire those who live life sincerely. 05/05/2015 06:19 pm ET Updated May 05, 2016 ... Elegance: Elegance is that dignified grace about your appearance, movement, personal style or behavior. Share. I believe you can admire more than one person. Compassion: Compassion isn’t the same thing as empathy. Listen to your gut when you’re talking to someone or considering a new step. In this article, you will learn 3 personal qualities that all highly successful people share. Take some time out each day for quiet meditation. Humble people are those very deserving of our utmost respect, because there's nothing more annoying than an amazing person whose head is larger than themselves. Spend some time each day (at least 5 minutes) in silent meditation. It gives me confidence beyond what I could ever imagine. An ambitious employee always finds ways to better and to improve herself; regardless if it is work related or their personal skills. The driving force to keep getting better, and to never settle for less is extremely attractive! Your essay should be 1300–1700 words in length in the Humanities format. The core of an admirable life is respect. Just keep working at it and looking for ways to practice it. a likable person. Because I'm neither of those things (lol), but seriously, these people are the ones who have your back and always get things done! Practice letting go of the things you can’t control or change. Be genuine and reliable, trustworthy, and always the same person… With true serenity, you feel an undisturbed peace of soul. A variant of wisdom — discernment — helps you know what risks are worth taking and which are not, as well as who deserves your trust and whom you should steer clear of. Schedule some time each day to accomplish at least one thing that needs doing, and honor that commitment. The driving force to keep getting better, and to never settle for less is extremely attractive! Say what you mean. Practice listening silently when others speak, rather than reacting or interrupting. If you search for tenderness, it isn't hard to find. If they're mean and rude, but hard-working, I still don't like them. Learn to own who you are and what you’re good at. Brown. The Happiness Advantage: How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life by Shawn Achor, The 90-Day Gratitude Journal by S.J. Scott and Barrie Davenport. people who walk the walk). Don’t assign your own meanings to other people’s actions and words. Haha! I also summarize these qualities easy to remember. These aren’t just good qualities in a person; they’re essential to the person you were born to be. This quality, I strive for because it's something I love to see in other people. What admirable qualities successful people have that distinguishes them from everyone else? He doesn’t let procrastination or a craving for comfort get in the way. Stop equating humility with self-deprecation (false humility). The humble person isn’t the one you hear tearing himself down to fish for compliments or garner sympathy. I try my best to surround myself with people with these qualities, and if you’re a person that displays them, then just know that I appreciate you. Equanimity makes temperance and patience possible. Scott and Barrie Davenport. The main qualities an admirable person has is by living a lifestyle full of positivity, aspiration, well-being and success. Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins, or, Radical Forgiveness: A Revolutionary Five-Step Process to Heal Relationships, Let Go of Anger and Blame, and Find Peace in Any Situation by Colin Tipping. When you realize you’re connected to every living being, you want to do them good, because you share in their joys and in their sufferings. : The Power of Self-Discipline, The Self-Discipline Blueprint: A Simple Guide to Beat Procrastination, Achieve Your Goals, and Get the Life You Want, A Calendar of Wisdom: Daily Thoughts to Nourish the Soul, Written and Selected from the World’s Sacred Texts, The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living, Trust: Mastering the Four Essential Trusts, The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything, 7 Of The Most Popular Confidence Courses and Classes Online, Is He The One? The ability to control your emotions gives you the power to stop your fears from taking over. An ambitious employee always finds ways to better and to improve herself; regardless if it is work related or their personal skills. But comparing yourself to others and dwelling on where you come up short only benefits you as much as it motivates you to take action to cultivate those qualities in yourself. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz, and, The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self Mastery by Don Miguel Ruiz, Don Jose Ruiz, and Janet Mills. I’ve admired confident people all my life. In my opinion, character traits are still admired the world over and hence one should not treat moral correctness and the following character traits with disdain. Although it may not be a popular pursuit, developing these important character traits is one of the most satisfying, emotionally intelligent endeavors you'll ever undertake. Chances are, you’ve found yourself changing your attitude toward someone when you noticed one of How Good Qualities in a Person Affect You If you don’t posses the most desirable traits yourself, you probably won’t find a significant other who possesses them either. What admirable personal qualities do you think of when your favorite people in the world come to mind? Firstly, an optimist can inspire a positive person, so a person who should be admired must be optimistic. Ah, the ability to step into another's shoes; a skill I think, is the most important to have in life. Sincere care for one's friends, family, and even total strangers is a rare gift. So, let’s take a look at 11 admirable qualities and what it takes to develop them in yourself and encourage them in others. Personal Business Thank you! A difficult situation can be super easy with their creativity! Being HONEST is the admirable trait a person can ever have. Nuh-uh. Learn to trust others by collaborating with them on something you both care about. 29 Sure Signs You Could Marry Him, 7 Ways To Bring Your Relationship Back to Normal After Cheating, 67 Most Inspirational Positive Energy Quotes Of All Time, 77 Existential Questions To Blow Your Mind, Helpful Communication Exercises For Couples, Courage when the deck is stacked against them. Start today, right where you are, to build on one of them. Relaunch Your Life: Break the Cycle of Self-Defeat, Destroy Negative Emotions, and Reclaim Your Personal Power by Scott Allan. There are a number of good personality traits. Just get right back to it as soon as you can. Or when you notice positive qualities in a person, which ones make you think, “I wish I were as ___ as what’s-his-face”? Sometimes it even keeps you at night. An admirable person is literary someone you adore because of their qualities, how they carry themselves and their positive influence in the society. A list of Traits Found Admirable Consistently treat others with respect and listen to their concerns with an open mind and a genuine interest in understanding them better. You'll do things you can be proud of and inspire others to do the same. Below are six characteristics or qualities of a good person. These are universal character traits that every living soul should strive to cultivate and strengthen. In my view, optimism and humility are two important qualities that make a person admired. Compassion requires action. Remember that hurt people tend to hurt other people, and show compassion. When it comes to me, the person I admire most in the world is my mother. My favorite is intelligence. The Kindness Challenge: Thirty Days to Improve Any Relationship by Shaunti Feldhahn, or. These are all admirable qualities. Every moment where you act in alignment with these qualities is a triumph. A calm person doesn’t react emotionally to every provocation (deliberate or otherwise). Be your authentic self, and let your words and actions communicate your core values. One that thinks critically, and hungers for mor knowledge. But I dislike (since I do not hate anyone) those hypocrites who claim themselves as ATHEIST yet do not know the STRONG reason behind. It is amazing to know that God always will protect us from the evil one. But here is where we run into a problem. In addition, individual virtue is the linchpin for a healthy, functioning society. All these qualities are rooted in one thing: confidence. Firstly, an optimist can inspire a positive person, so a person who should be admired must be optimistic. In 1968 Norman Anderson came up with the 555 personal characteristics (listed below) and had hundreds of students rank order the 555 words from most desirable (Note the top 4 are Sincere, Honest, Understanding, and Loyal) to most … Be trustworthy. It’s more than understanding someone else’s feelings. Reflect leadership qualities in personal and professional endeavors. Essentially, this is about the decision to let go and choose compassion over revenge or resentment. Keep in mind that you need more than curiosity or vague interest to make these qualities your own. They can be good examples for us to learn. Humility manifests as a quiet understanding of your self-worth and competence, as well as a tendency to see past yourself (and your own ego) and to risk greater insult to your pride in order to better serve someone else. Thanks Robert Chen for listing 30 qualities of highly successful people. In our life, there are many people who excel in virtue and possess many admirable qualities such as optimism, knowledge and taking risks. I love these kinds of people. Trust encourages us to find meaning and purpose in everything we experience. Humorous people are the best. Check for yourself and assess whether you have ALL 3 components. Chances are, you’ve found yourself changing your attitude toward someone when you noticed one of the following personal attributes: If you’ve ever made a list of personal qualities you want to see in a spouse or partner, you know that these characteristics matter as much in day-to-day situations as in extraordinary ones. Compassion: Compassion isn’t the same thing as empathy. What admirable personal qualities do you think of when your favorite people in the world come to mind? The Admirable Quality Of A Good Student Essay Most young people believe that all they need to do in order to be good students is to work hard to earn knowledge and get the highest scores. To be elegant is to be strong and assured in who you are and to … 1. I really appreciate your contribution. The disciplined person commits to doing something and gets it done, even when he’d rather be doing something else. I admire those who are responsible and leader-like. Take time out to think of what brings you joy. A boring project can turn into an amazing one! 5 min read. But if you search for truthfulness, you might just as well be blind. Ambition is the path to success. Measure yourself against these 26 attributes and ask yourself how you can lead from your very best qualities: 1. When you respect yourself and others, you behave in a way that sets a high standard. Spend less time thinking of yourself (and what people think of you) and more time thinking of how you can contribute to the good of others. Whether you place your trust in God/a higher power, in yourself, or in someone else, your trust makes it possible to hope for a satisfying outcome for you and the people you care about. As they grow up, they finally realize that a good student also needs to be an active person in the community and a well-prepared worker for the future. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. 1. Shared this post in my facebook group for others to benefit. The list of personal characteristics you’ll see here are ones you likely admire when you see them in others. Learn about your ego — what it is, what it wants, and what its weaknesses are. If someone is witty and snobbish and rude I don't like them. They're that one person you can always count on because they love you in the most honest way. I'm brave. 10 Admirable Qualities Of A Good Employee; 10 Admirable Qualities Of A Good Employee. : The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy, and, The Self-Discipline Blueprint: A Simple Guide to Beat Procrastination, Achieve Your Goals, and Get the Life You Want by Patrik Edblad, with a foreword by Steve Scott. When it’s time to work, the disciplined focus on the task at hand in order to give it their full attention and finish it in a timely manner. Nothing more respectable than someone willing to work for what they want. This should not be a one-time thing but a habit you cultivate for your own mental health and personal growth as well as for the good of others. Make a forgiveness list at the end of each day. If they work too hard, I can't deal with it. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. Honesty 5 admirable qualities of mentally strong people. Mahatma Gandhi was one of the most influential leaders in all human history, by his devoted efforts he not only succeeded where many other actual leaders of India failed in convincing the British to leave, but he also managed to stop all fighting between Muslims and Hindus both of these he achieved without the use of violence. When you respect yourself and others, you behave in a way that sets a high standard. Humor people are very admirable since they create a positive and full of joy atmosphere around others. I will fight someone, even if I know I will lose. If your gut tells you that you’re on the wrong path, change direction, knowing that some will question or criticize you for it. That's something I wish to always have. They make just about anything into the most amazing thing. And it stings a bit. Some of these good qualities in a person can be considered to be good people skills. Thanks Robert Chen for listing 30 qualities of highly successful people. What admirable qualities successful people have that distinguishes them from everyone else? Thanks for sharing such basic life related information in simple words. An athlete should be strong, aggressive, dominating and relentless. The good news is that if you don’t yet see these qualities in yourself, it’s not too late to cultivate them. Why do you focus on the brains and stuff, but not the personality of a person? Click to Grab the FREE Report: "Boost Your Confidence To Get Everything You Want From Life”, The Kindness Challenge: Thirty Days to Improve Any Relationship, The Power of Kindness: The Unexpected Benefits of Leading a Compassionate Life, Relaunch Your Life: Break the Cycle of Self-Defeat, Destroy Negative Emotions, and Reclaim Your Personal Power, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self Mastery, 10-Minute Mindfulness: 71 Habits for Living in the Present Moment, 10 Minutes a Day to Live in the Present Moment, How To Forgive Someone and Let Go of Anger, Radical Forgiveness: A Revolutionary Five-Step Process to Heal Relationships, Let Go of Anger and Blame, and Find Peace in Any Situation, The Happiness Advantage: How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life, Imperfect Courage: Live a Life of Purpose by Leaving Comfort and Going Scared, Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living, No Excuses! Though trustworthiness is one of the most admirable good qualities in a person, this personality trait isn’t at all so difficult to acquire – whatever you say, simply stick to your word. MG CHILE LIMITADA, es una empresa dedicada a dar soluciones integrales en diseño, fabricación y comercialización de estructuras de acero para el almacenamieto y transporte de materiales, subproductos, residuos sólidos y líquidos para el mercado industrial, municipal y minero. Being altruistic or an altruist is one of the more admirable qualities. I make a conscious and constant effort to be this person because it's people like these that are the greatest friends in life. And every triumph matters. Spend some time each day in quiet mindfulness meditation. although it is typical, it is still a good admiration because you can use that person … David is a person who can be called selfless. Boy do I wish I was confident! See more. You also can't fake real confidence. Top Ten Most Admirable Qualities In a Person. You want to bring more good into their lives and do what you can to alleviate their sufferings because in doing so for them, you’re doing the same for yourself. Now that you’ve gotten to this point, don’t waste any time berating yourself for not having practiced some or all of these qualities to the degree you wish you had. Learn how your comment data is processed. Scott and Barrie Davenport, and, The 90-Day Mindfulness Journal: 10 Minutes a Day to Live in the Present Moment by S.J. When it comes to admiration, as this action motivating self-improvement by observing and appreciating the abilities of our role models, these are the top … Gratitude makes you feel more connected with other living beings and more aware of the good in the present moment, as well as your calling to create more of it. Practice conscious acceptance of the present moment, without agitation or negative reaction. The Top Ten. … And you won’t do it perfectly, because no one does. When you meet someone who exemplifies one of these qualities, it might remind you of situations where you exhibited the opposite quality. One of the admirable attributes of a great employee is being autonomous. Treat others as you want to be treated, and honor your commitments to them. – Bill Bradley. 7 synonyms of admirable from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 29 related words, definitions, and antonyms. You can have the love you need to live. Last Updated on 03 November 2020. Self-knowledge is a prerequisite because you can’t act in accordance with your values if you don’t know what they are. Find another word for admirable. Admirable definition, worthy of admiration; inspiring approval, reverence, or affection. I love smart people. "Keep it simple, stupid" is one of my favorite sayings, and those who have the ability to live this way are so admirable. A person who I admire A person who I admire is an interesting topic. The whole world could collapse around you, and you would remain still on the inside, calmly noticing things and taking whatever action would best serve everyone affected by it. Do what you believe is right, even when no one is looking. It’s more than understanding someone else’s feelings. Authentic. Passion is something genuine and very admirable because it's impossible to fake. Compassion is selfless caring for another. I use the letters in sentence “THE WAY TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL PERSON” to list these qualities. One of the admirable attributes of a great employee is being autonomous. Whatever happens, you remain open to what it can teach you. That’s right. They are in order or priority, although that order can change from day-to-day, as circumstances dictate. These are 10 qualities that I admire in other people. (I've said it before, I've been taught how to fight). It makes you mentally strong. Learn to communicate more effectively to ensure you understand the intent behind others’ words and actions. And may your courage and determination influence everything else you do today. We are subconsciously drawn to people who love what they do with all of their heart. That’s right. They don't care what other people will think about them, they always speak their mind, and they save the day by standing up for themselves and others. They’re always sure of themselves and don’t care about messing up. Autonomous. The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday, and, Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living by Shauna Niequist, with a foreword by Brené They are in order or priority, although that order can change from day-to-day, as circumstances dictate. Choose compassion over revenge or resentment the intent behind others ’ words and actions for ways to encourage.... A rare gift I have seen is when people boy, are admiring a famous! 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